Chambredor GolinhacChambredor Golinhac
©Chambredor Golinhac

Works of art as refuges An artistic journey to Compostela

On the route to Santiago de Compostela, the Fenêtre sur le paysage project is sprouting astonishing works of refuge art. In 2020, the Chambre d’Or, the second of these open-air art trails, appeared on the heights of Golinhac. Located just a short distance from the GR® 65, it invites you to take a meditative and contemplative break from its open panorama of the Lot Gorges and Aubrac mountains.

La Chambre d'Or Birth of a nugget rock in Golinhac

Inspired by the granite balls of the Rochers de la Clouque, emblematic of the Golinhac landscape, and architect Viollet-le-Duc’s late-life desire to restore the mountains, Abraham Poincheval designed the Chambre d’Or as a protective, original shelter.

“Here, the notion of refuge has a particular echo: during the 100 Years’ War, the inhabitants fortified their church and dug galleries in the rock to take shelter from English attacks.”

The interior space of the work is sober, with two elevations marking the possible sleeping area. Covered in gold and copper leaf, the walls reflect the light in an almost mystical way. One of them features a sketch of a scallop shell, a healing object. At the top of the work, a weather vane indicates the wind’s direction. For a night or a stroll, find rest in this poetic refuge.

La Chambre d’or
La Chambre d’or
La Chambre d’or

The artistic project from Derrière le Hublot

Fenêtres sur le paysage is a long-term artistic adventure written and imagined by Derrière Le Hublot since 2016. It is now being developed with theAgence française des chemins de Compostelle and numerous partners.

Designed by renowned artist-architects, the refuges are inspired by the land and its know-how. They come to life in contact with local people, drawing on local histories and materials, in a participatory project that takes a new look at landscapes through art.

In addition to the works of art, the Fenêtres sur le paysage art project enlivens the route with several events and new artistic creations throughout the year.

L'Oustal Lauza A work under construction in Bessuéjouls

On a section of the GR® 65 UNESCO World Heritage Trail, between Espalion and Estaing, a new work of art has seen the light of day in the commune of Bessuéjouls.

Designed by Manuelle Gautrand, the Oustal Lauza – the lauze house in Occitan – has been imagined as a landmark in the heart of the landscape, visible to walkers from afar. Inspired by the plumage of birds, this slender spirecelebrates the lauze, the emblematic roof covering. Symbolizing the link between earth and sky, the artist will use the full color palette of this local material, from the bluish hues of Cayrol slate to rusty shale.
