Aux sources de l'Aveyron et de la Serre. 5,000 ans de peuplement exhibition at the Espace Archéologique DépartementalAux sources de l'Aveyron et de la Serre. 5,000 ans de peuplement exhibition at the Espace Archéologique Départemental
©Aux sources de l'Aveyron et de la Serre. 5,000 ans de peuplement exhibition|L.Combettes - OT Terres d'Aveyron

Our museums Multiple themes

From the geological formation of our soils to the first human settlements on the Causse Comtal, from the inventions that marked the industrial era to the traditions of the rural world of yesteryear, or from popular and religious art to contemporary art inspired by nature, our museum spaces and exhibition venues take you on a journey through the eras and history of our region. Whether you’re looking to surprise your children and friends, enjoy a bit of culture or find an alternative when the weather’s grey, push open the doors to discover a range of themes, each more unusual and fascinating than the last!

The Diving Suit Museum An invention born in Espalion

Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of the Musée du Scaphandre. Discover the captivating story of inventors Denayrouze and Rouquayrol, two Espalionnais geniuses who revolutionized the world of underwater exploration. Marvel at their pioneering invention, inspired by mining engineering, the first modern self-contained diving suit, born in 1864.

This museum, unique in Europe, promises an unforgettable experience with almost 400 rare exhibits, and also houses a museum of folk arts and traditions, the Musée Joseph Vaylet, with its unusual collections.

Our 2 museums departmental

The Museum of Manners and Customs Immersion in a prison in Espalion

Housed in a former19th-centurysolitary confinement prison, the Musée des Mœurs et Coutumes offers an unusual visit to a building that was considered quite modern in its day! Discover a unique collection of traditional Rouergue objects that tell the story of daily life in Aveyron before the 20th century.

Permanent exhibits include pottery, copperware, antique toys and sacred art objects. The museum also presents other thematic exhibitions on a temporary basis, such as in 2024 the extra-European collections of poet and collector Joseph Vaylet.

The Departmental Archaeological Space The origins of our settlement

Visit theEspace Archéologique Départemental and follow the traces of man on the Causse Comtal from prehistoric times to the Middle Ages. Discover the world of excavations at the Roquemissou site and explore the captivating exhibits that retrace 5,000 years of local settlement.

This interpretation center offers an immersive experience for all ages, and during the school vacations offers a variety of workshops ranging from archaeological digs, to the making of prehistoric or ancient ornaments and pottery, to cave art.

You can also take part in themed events such as the Fête des Fouilles, the Nuit au Musée or the various national days celebrating heritage.

Our art museums and popular traditions

In the heart of our villages, our small, traditional museums tell the story of life in the past, revealing extraordinary stories and unusual objects you’d never have imagined existed!

  • In Villecomtal, discover the astonishing story of a community of rebels and an exhibition of nearly 200 fascinating and iridescent minerals at theEspace des Enfarinés.
  • The Musée des ardoisières (slate quarry museum) in Anglars du Cayrol retraces the history of local know-how in the extraction of local lauze.
  • At Le Fel, the open-air museum Espace Marcelle Cayron, set in the heart of the vineyards, presents the trades of yesteryear, from the “gabarriers du Lot” to the inhabitants of the hillsides.
  • 25 min fromEntraygues-sur-Truyère, the Musée du Veinazès in Cantal, takes you back to the rural world of the 20th century: village craftsmen, an old-fashioned grocery store, farming techniques and machinery.